Watch Zanele Sifuba sex tape leaked online

African National Congress (ANC) speaker at the Free State Legislature, Zanele Sifuba, has broken the internet after a leaked sex video surfaced on social media setting various platforms abuzz.

The video, widely circulated on Twitter, shows Sifuba pleasuring herself while on a video call with an unknown man.


According to reports, the man in the video, alleged to be a Nigerian national, apparently released the video of Sifuba after she reportedly refused to pay R300 000 in hush money.

The video was released on Tuesday night (8 November 2022), after explicit photos of Sufuba on the same call were leaked last month.

Nude photos

The Daily Sun at the time reported the Free State Legislature ordered an investigation into the Speaker’s explicit nudes scandal which was screengrabs of the video being circulated on Wednesday.

“The Legislature will establish investigations into this Gender-based violence. This is harassment, and whoever shared this video must face the law. This is an insult to elderly women.”

ANC politicians and sex videos

Sifuba is not the first ANC politician to trend on social media for explicit sexual content.

In 2018, a video of then Home Affairs Minister, Malusi Gigaba, masturbating was also widely shared on social media platforms.

Gigaba claimed that his phone was hacked.


Gigaba’s video was then shared on Pornhub by a user with the pseudonym Coronzo and that video garnered thousands of views.

It further exposed Gigaba, who insisted that the footage was meant for his wife, except he never sent it to her.


The Citizen reached out to the Sifuba’s spokesperson, but there was no response at the time of publication.

The ANC’s national spokesperson Pule Mabe said he was busy on a site inspection at Nasrec in preparation for the upcoming party conference.

Golf and sex

Meanwhile, earlier this week, a couple was caught having sex in broad daylight on what looked like a golf course.

In the video apparently shot by a passerby, the couple was caught in the throws, half-naked on the open field golf course.

The couple got a nasty fright when the bystanders approached them while the camera was still rolling.

The man quickly dismounted from the woman and both fled the scene.

Zanele Sifuba sex tape
Zanele Sifuba sex tape
bisma shakeel new writer

At Entertainment, Bisma Shakeel writes about US Entertainment news. After working as the editor of her college Entertainment news magazine, Bisma went into the Entertainment news industry. Being a fan of Simone Biles, she naturally chose the US Entertainment news. As a dedicated writer, Bisma is particularly interested in writing about the Entertainment. She keeps an eye on Allyson Felix, Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, and Simone Biles in addition to Usain Bolt. Whenever Bisma isn’t writing, she likes to ride her bike around or watch web series and movies.

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